Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Recovery - Week 2

Day 8 (Tuesday, May 13)
Carbon dioxide pain is less today finally! I had enough energy to walk to the nearby baseball fields to watch some little league games (1.7 mile walk). I was awake enough when I got home to watch the Pens lose game 7 and the Clippers lose in a spectacular game 5 collapse. At least I had a better day than the teams I rooted for...

Incisions on day of surgery...

Incisions after one week. The swelling has gone down some.

Day 9
Carbon dioxide pains almost low enough for me to sleep on my side...I can't wait to sleep more comfortably. The morning routine 1.5 mile walk went well and energy levels remain tolerable afterwards. I still needed a nap in the afternoon though.

Day 10
Went for a 2 mile morning walk and chose a route with a nice sized hill on the home stretch. I definitely felt the hill but was able to comfortably make it back without getting out of breath.

Today is the first day that the local anesthesia on the incisions has subsided enough that I can feel the "kidney space" in my left side. It feels a bit odd but not uncomfortable. I also don't feel any noticeable carbon dioxide gas pains anymore. I tried to take my daily afternoon nap but when I laid down, I realized I wasn't tired enough to sleep. Progress!

A friend from work also visited today, which was a welcome break from the monotony of the recovery process. I'm going to drive for the first time tomorrow since I have not been taking any pain medications for the past two days (other than right before bed for sleeping comfort). I'm going to take a short drive to my work to get a few small things done before I head back to rest. I've noticed that even if I don't nap, I still need to sit down to rest in a reclining chair so that my upper and middle back don't get sore from the extra effort needed to keep me from hunching defensively over my incisions. I'm also going to venture out to socialize with my colleagues after work for Friday happy hour. Not driving on this trip though...

Day 11
I went into work today and got to see my students for about 5 minutes in each class. I was also able to get a few of the things done that I had needed to get done before the school year ends. That being said, I was exhausted after three hours at work and I wasn't even teaching! I stopped for a quick lunch on the way back but faded quickly and was ready for some rest.

After a 1.5 hour power nap, I went out for some much needed socializing with my fellow teachers. I tested my doctor's "1 beer = 1 glass of water" instructions a few times with no repercussions the next day. I DID however put way too much into one day and felt it when I got home. I imagine tomorrow is going to be a rest day.

Day 12's a rest day. A helpful suggestion for those considering a living kidney donation: When you overextend yourself after surgery (and you will), rest as much as your body tells you to rest.

Day 13
I felt much better after the rest day yesterday. The only discomfort I am feeling now is coming from the incisions rubbing against my shirt or any jarring movement that may remind me that I still have healing to do. I'm not taking any pain medication now and have no trouble sleeping.

I was able to go watch my over 30 baseball team play a 9 inning game today and felt well enough afterwards to not immediately need a nap. The hardest part of the whole experience was knowing that I could not pick up a bat or glove and head out onto the field. The doctors have insisted that I can't play baseball this year (the season goes into September) but I CAN golf once I heal a bit more. I know, it seems odd but the explanation I got makes sense. I was told by the surgeon that, in baseball, it is almost impossible for me to go to bat and NOT take a full swing at the ball once it is pitched and a full swing could cause injury. In golf, I can modify the intensity and range of motion of my swing to fit my pain tolerance. Plus, when I go to hit a golf ball, I don't have to worry about it flying at me at 80 mph and hitting me in my incisions or my remaining kidney!

UPDATE: I sneezed for the first time since the surgery today. I was NOT prepared for the pain that it caused. It felt like my abdomen under the incisions decided to spontaneously re-open! Suggestion for those who go through the surgery: if you have to sneeze, use a kidney pillow to brace into your side. When I sneezed again, the pillow dialed the pain down to an "ouch...that hurt" from the "I think my side just exploded" without the pillow.

Day 14
I went to socialize with my science department colleagues this afternoon and had no issues with pain other than the typical unexpected road bump while driving or laughing without bracing my left side. The one water for one beer rule given to me by my surgeons was strictly adhered to. I didn't notice any fatigue afterwards but I was only out for about two hours total.

1 comment:

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