Friday, May 23, 2014

Recovery - One Month

Considering most daily activities are feasible for me, I'll be posting any milestones or atypical experiences from this point forward.

Incision Progress
Day of the surgery

One week
Two weeks
Three weeks
Four weeks...the glue is finally all gone!

Week 3

Day 16 (Wednesday, May 21st)
Six hours seems to be my limit for being out and about. I was able to go to see a high school baseball game and visit my brother to see his new cats but started to feel fatigued after the six hour mark. I also found that wrapping the incisions with a bandage while driving significantly reduces the pain from hitting the potholes. Nothing has been able to take away the discomfort from the side-to-side rocking of the car when it hits a bump unevenly.

Day 17
I went for a 3.2 mile walk today and felt tired at the end of it. I took a nap hoping to feel a bit more energetic but still felt drained. Tomorrow will be a rest day to recuperate.

Day 18
I didn't do any walking to day to rest up especially since I am going to my school's faculty retirement dinner tonight. I've had a headache since last night and have felt cramp-like feelings in my abdomen. I haven't felt all that hungry but ate to keep my recovery going strong. The dinner was a lot of fun but pushed my energy level even lower. I still had the headache and cramped abdomen so I went to bed as soon as I got home. Another rest day is in the plans for tomorrow.

Day 20
You might think that, as a science teacher, I would have paid a bit closer attention to the correlation between hydration and my energy level. I figured out that I had slacked in my water consumption (I'm still not fully acclimated to drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day plus more if I am exercising) and started hydrating. I drank well over one hundred ounces of water today and felt significantly better as the day progressed. After half of a day of feeling sorry for and being angry with myself, I resumed my walking regimen and went on a 3.3 mile walk. I hydrated after my walk. :)

Day 21
I felt so good today after my hydration epiphany that I went on another long walk today. It was quite warm (84 degrees) but I made it through a 4.3 mile walk with some nice hills to test my stamina. I was tired and took a nap for two hours (after serious hydration!) but I made it and felt great after the nap. I'm still feeling the incision sensitivity when my shirt rubs my skin but the gas pain is still gone. I can, however, feel the discomfort of the "kidney space" more each day. The best way I can describe it is that it feels bruised. It doesn't prohibit me from any activity but I do notice it when I am sedentary.

Week 4

Day 24
I went for a 6 mile walk today and saw a fox, which was interesting. I took a 45 minute nap and then went to a high school baseball playoff game. I was EXHAUSTED by the end of the day but it was a good kind of tired. The skin sensitivity is still there so I still wrap my incisions with a bandage for support and protection from rubbing against my shirt.

Day 25
I went to my over 30 league baseball game today. I obviously didn't play and it was frustrating to watch and not play, however I DID feel great after the game and didn't need a nap.

Day 27
I was able to take my dog for a walk today! I would have been able to take a normal dog for a walk by now, but Barnaby is a Bassett Hound and pulls INCESSANTLY! I braced the leash against my hip when he pulled so it didn't pull on my stomach muscles.

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