Saturday, June 21, 2014

Recovery - Two Months

Week 5

Day 30 (June 5th)
I had my one month appointment at the transplant office today. Everything looks great! I was told my "wound" is 50% healed and will be approximately 75% healed by week 6. I was given permission to jog today but I need to keep my heart rate on the lower side. I am also able to start light twisting activities like chipping and putting by mid-summer so I have that to look forward to. (I got a call the next day to let me know that my blood work was normal but I need to drink a bit more water.)

Week 6

Day 40 (June 15th)Father's Day today! My dad and I went to my baseball team's game and then to meet my family for dinner afterwards. At the game, I was able to catch the pitcher's warm up pitches in between innings but had to throw the ball back like I would throw darts. I still can't do twisting motions with any force without discomfort. Here is an updated picture of my mom and I at the dinner.

Week 7

Day 45 (June 20th)
I was able to jog one mile today at decent pace! I calculated it to be around a 12 minute mile pace but I took a break about half way though just as a precaution. No nap needed afterward so my energy level is definitely increasing.

Incision Progress
Day of the surgery
One Week
Two Weeks
Three Weeks
Four Weeks (The glue is now gone)
Six Weeks (Swelling has almost disappeared)
After this picture, I'll update the incision progress at my six month appointment as most of the changes are going to be the fading of the scars.


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