Thursday, May 1, 2014

Who am I and what am I doing?

My name is Joel, I am a high school teacher and I am donating a kidney to my mom. My mom has had kidney disease for the past 7 years and my family has known for about the past 2 years that my mom was going to need a kidney transplant at some point in her life. The inevitable transplant was still in the distant future until the beginning of the school year when her kidneys took a sudden turn for the worse. At that point, I volunteered to become a living kidney donor. I've done a VERY thorough search through Google (I love and hate you at the same time) as well as friends and family. My best source of information was one of my friends and co-workers. She donated her kidney a few years ago and has been a great support and a tremendous resource for all the questions I've had. If you are considering becoming a living kidney donor, I would highly recommend finding someone who has donated if you are able to do so.
My mom and I at my birthday dinner last month

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